ESPN host admits network's Spurs-Wembanyama article was laughable

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Metropolitans 92 v Cholet Basket - Betclic Elite Playoffs / Jean Catuffe/GettyImages

Self-awareness is a valuable characteristic for anyone on a journey of constant growth. Acknowledging you or those around you have done something ridiculous is a trait most people appreciate. Shortly after the NBA Draft Lottery, ESPN released an article discussing possible trades that could convince the San Antonio Spurs to part ways with Victor Wembanyama before they make him the number one overall pick. No such package exists.

If you want to delve into madness, Disney+ has a selection of Marvel movies that explore separate dimensions and alternate realities. In the real world, however, there is zero chance the Spurs consider any offer a team could feasibly muster for Wembanyama . Fortunately, the previously mentioned self-awareness showed itself as one of ESPN's top basketball minds, Zach Lowe, laughed off those trade ideas during one of his recent podcast episodes.

Fireable Offense

The hype around this Wembanyama has legitimate merit. The NBA is broadcasting his playoff games on their official app. Adrian Wojnarowski deemed him the best prospect in the history of team sports. Some may consider that statement a hyperbole, but one look at his highlight reel could change your mind. It is difficult to project how good a player will be, but a "can't miss" prospect comes along once in a while. And you can see the 7-foot-5 Frenchman approaching from a mile away.

Take a moment to imagine the implications of such a decision when the hype is so high that opposing fans complained the NBA rigged the draft lottery in San Antonio's favor. The idea of the league office fixing anything for the 2-1-0's beloved home team is as unbelievable as a trade scenario for Wembnayama. Picture the reactions if the Cavs traded LeBron James or the Bulls moved Michael Jordan. Wemby may not reach those heights, but the Hall of Fame potential is there.

Spurs fans would be offended to their core if the front office traded the number one overall pick, and doing so would be a fireable offense. The right to draft Victor Wembanyama is like possessing the genie lamp in Aladdin. The key to everything you want your organization to have from a competitive standpoint lies in your grasp. Do not hand it over to the shady old geezer who offers nothing but fallacies and broken promises. 

dark. Next. 20 Ways Wembanyama could change the Spurs forever. 20 Ways Wembanyama could change the Spurs forever