Tre Jones 'glass half full' approach is exact mentality Spurs need long-term

This guy has to stick around for the long haul.
New York Knicks v San Antonio Spurs
New York Knicks v San Antonio Spurs / Ronald Cortes/GettyImages

Tre Jones is the ultimate teammate. He comes from the Duke pipeline, playing under Coach Mike Krzyzewski—affectionately referred to as Coach K—and that program is known for producing players who understand that sacrificing for your team is non-negotiable. It's the exact mindset that Coach Popovich has been preaching for years. If you're going to play for the San Antonio Spurs, you need to be over yourself and willing to play for the guys around you.

The problem is that his contract is almost over. Jones is set to be an unrestricted free agent after this season, and unless an extension is reached before the season ends, it's hard to imagine that he wouldn't want to test free agency. He's a tad undersized for the direction the league has been trending with their big guards, but he's improved every season. If that trajectory is maintained, he could fancy himself a starter elsewhere and be right to test the market.

The Spurs should extend Tre Jones contract ASAP

There are two sides to a coin, and there is always the possibility that San Antonio has already made an effort to extend Jones's contract. It would likely be a very team-friendly deal, considering those are the only deals they have been giving out lately. But that doesn't mean he's inclined to take it. Now, this is pure speculation as no reports have been made about any discussions between the Spurs and Jones' camp, but it's not made without careful consideration.

The former Blue Devil is only 24, and he's making noticeable improvements every year, but it's clear that he'll be nothing more than a role player off the bench in SA. It's not unreasonable to consider that he could want a real chance to start and the starter money that would come with that position. But he's not going to say that now. In fact, what he did say when asked about his place on the bench due to Chris Paul's arrival is the reason the Spurs should be trying to lock him up.

"It was extreme excitement right away. To be able to learn from a generational point guard like that, it's something I'll never take for granted." - Tre Jones

That's an unbelievably unselfish player. He leads in whatever lineup he's placed in, works hard to improve, plays his role and does it with a smile on his face. His character is unimpeachable. Not many young athletes would be excited to relinquish their starting role to a 40-year-old player but the only thing he's thinking about is how much value CP3 adds to the team. Those are the guys the organization covets highly. Tre Jones belongs in silver and black. Hopefully, he feels the same way.
