Familiar NBA Finals clutch performer praises Coach Popovich

Derrick White praises coach Gregg Popovich during the NBA Finals.
Gregg Popovich, Derrick White
Gregg Popovich, Derrick White / Ronald Cortes/GettyImages

Gregg Popovich's relationship-building skills are second to none. Fans have seen the camaraderie he's able to build in his locker rooms every year. You never hear about players having problems with each other or players blowing up at coaches (except for Stephen Jackson, but he doesn't count). The San Antonio Spurs always have an inclusive and family vibe in their culture, and the head coach is the biggest reason for that.

It's no surprise. Coach Pop is widely regarded as one of, if not the best, coach in basketball history. Some may say that title belongs to Phil Jackson, but cherry-picking stacked teams and leaving them at the first sign of talent lessening does not make you unimpeachable. I digress; the leader of the Silver and Black found White's confidence, elevated it and helped him become the player you see today.

Derrick White never misses an opportunity to praise Coach Pop, and that connection is why. San Antonio traded White to the Celtics in 2022 and fans have resented the decision ever since. The result was being in a position to draft Victor Wembanyama so as far as a consolation prize, it doesn't get much better than that.

White has played himself into a significant payday, opening a potential opportunity for the Spurs to bring the Colorado alum back to the 2-1-0. The Celtics have a salary cap issue with the amount of money allocated to their big-name players, Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown and Kristaps Porzingis. White may be the odd man out, allowing San Antonio to swoop in and snatch him back up. Nothing would make Spurs fans happier.
