Can The Spurs Realistically Make the Playoffs This Season?
By Kyle Forson
Can the San Antonio Spurs realistically make the playoffs in 2022?
The point of the history briefing is that the modern Spurs have not been where they are present day. What the club has now is unlike anything this franchise has ever experienced. A new reality, if you will.
Recently, one report had the Spurs finishing 13th in the Western Conference. Obviously, coming in at unlucky number 13 does not earn a playoff berth or the top lottery spot, not to mention it just sounds sad and lonely.
National media outlets at times seem to discount small-market clubs, and of course, San Antonio is just that. Throw in the revamped young roster mentioned earlier and it’s not a surprising projection given its origin.
One has to think how accurate is this really? The Spurs surely will be better than this, right? Right...?Man, it sure did get quiet in here suddenly, huh.
The fact of the matter is we simply do not know, and that is uncomfortable for Spurs fans. We can dissect starting lineups, run the numbers, and play with the scheduling, but that only gets you so far.
Here is the deal. Throughout my many life experiences, I have found the best way to approach any new, potentially uncomfortable, somewhat scary situation is to lean on a positive vibes type response or perhaps an optimistic, yet honest, outlook on whatever you're confronted with. In this case, that confrontation is the Spurs' playoff hopes for the new season. Realistic optimism, if you will.
As a fan, you can be realistically optimistic about a Spurs playoff appearance and at the same time be mentally ready, to an extent, for a less than desirable season. Think of it as a therapy session that enables you to be ok regardless of how the season shakes out for San Antonio.
To me, there are two, main areas of focus to keep in mind as the season approaches.
One of the main reasons the playoffs do not seem so far-fetched is because the San Antonio Spurs have the ingredients for long-term stability with potential for immediate success sprinkled in, such as say, a playoff berth if things were to click right away. They also have leadership, intelligence, and young talent which may come to fruition sooner than later.
This young core has a basketball IQ that is above average and plays like old souls in a selfless way that is rare among the younger generation we see today in the NBA. Toss all of these positives in with the coaching staff and the possibilities are endless.
We have looked back at history, seen the nations projections, and heard several Magic 8-Ball prophets on outcomes. You likely have formed your own opinion or prediction even on the Spurs realistically making the playoffs. And as I always say, time will tell all. That is the beauty of the NBA.
So, can the spurs realistically return to the playoffs? It's probably unlikely given what we know and don't know right now as well as considering a plethora of variables that could swing the season one way or the other.
Then again, anything is possible with the greatest coach of all time at the helm. Maybe it is, indeed, a toss-up.