This year’s NFL Draft will be unlike any in recent years. The San Antonio Spurs and the rest of the NBA should be watching and taking notes
Whether you like it or not the NFL Draft has become a sporting event to take note of. With the coronavirus making the normal pomp and circumstance typically associated with the event an impossibility, the NFL has taken the draft online. The San Antonio Spurs and the rest of the NBA should be taking notes.
The NBA draft isn’t scheduled to happen until June 25th so the possibility of having it done live remains a possibility. How much of a possibility…well no one is really sure. It seems like developments related to the coronavirus are happening every day, who knows if the NBA will go forward with having their draft live. I would bet on no.
Assuming that the NBA draft will be held online, the NFL Draft will prove to be an interesting test case in how we can expect things to go. If you’ve been on a Zoom call or happy hour during the recent quarantine you know that these large teleconferences can get hectic quick. Add in the pressure that comes with making franchise-altering decisions and you have a recipe for disaster and hilarity.
omg @CBSSportsHQ called
— Pick Six Podcast (@picksixpod) April 20, 2020
How will the NFL handle getting all the teams online together? From personal experience, I can say that I’ve never been on a conference call that had every single attendee show up on time. How about bandwidth? Are NBA and NFL GM’s going to have to impose a moratorium on Fortnite and Call of Duty in their households on the night of the draft? Yeah, drafting a franchise centerpiece is important but so are getting Warzone dubs.
What about attire? Remember the iconic photo of Lonnie Walker on his draft night? What a legend. Will draftees dress up or follow the regular work from home protocol of business on top, pajama bottoms on the bottom? These are the hard-hitting questions we need to be answered tonight!
If these drafts are anything like a fantasy basketball league it’ll be unpredictable, full of hiccups, and entertaining as hell. Someone will inevitably have too much to drink and reach on a player, there will be a run on a particular position, and plenty of laughs to go around.
In any case, the NFL draft is going to be like something none of us have seen before. The San Antonio Spurs and NBA should be tuned in to see what works and what doesn’t. I’m just thankful the NBA isn’t the guinea pigs for this new style of drafting.